I never thought I would be using index cards again other than for recipes, but last week I started my Deutsch (German) lessons so they have found other uses like conjugating verbs. I'm in an "intensive group course" which sounds more like I'm hanging out with Lindsay Lohan, but it just means I have class everyday for 2.5 hours. I missed the first three days because I decided to go with Chris to Valencia, Spain. Needless to say, I was very behind. There are six of us. Spanish is the primary language of four and one is from Poland, but she has spent the last three years in Spain. I have been able to brush up on my Espanol as well.
So my trip to Spain didn't start out real well. I had a few items stolen from my luggage. Nothing too expensive or irreplaceable, but just enough stuff to make me feel like my privacy was violated. It was absolutely my fault for not packing them in my carry-on...
While Chris went and did his thing at a conference I hopped aboard a tour bus and headed all around the city.

Plaza de Torros. Bull fighting arena and train station in the background.
I ended my day at the La Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias (City of Arts and Sciences).

Palau de les Arts (multi level theater) in the background and L'Hemisferic (IMAX and planetarium) in the foreground.
The following day Chris had half a day of work so I headed to Oceanografic which is part of the city of arts and sciences. It was a little like Marine World without the whales, rides, huge lines, and food but it was a great time filler. And I have to say the sea lions made me miss home :)
Chris joined me after he was done and I had to play tour guide for him.

In front of the Cathedral of Valencia. Built in 13th century.
This is a picture of the supposed Holy Grail. Historians believe that this is the most likely candidate since it dates from the first century. It's behind bullet proof glass and we could get maybe twenty feet from it. I dunno...

Chris happy to be done with work and ready to relax for the rest of the day. This was at Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Cool looking tower in background is the post office.

We got really lost for about 2 hours and finally found our way back to Plaza de la Virgen. From here we took a taxi to dinner and had the best seafood paella.
I love the pictures. The buildings are amazingly beautiful.