Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring has Sprung!

The past week the weather has been amazing! I couldn't help taking a few pictures to make everyone jealous.
Flat Stanley and Ms. Squinty Eyes taking a lovely stroll around Zürich.  Thanks to my friend, Jack, I had something fun to do for the day! 

What is that weird looking stuff covering the grass?

Oh, just a bunch of flowers poking up in random places in the park lawn!  This is the arboretum at the North end of the lake.  There are a bunch of impromptu flower beds with crocus, daffodils and a bunch of other flowers (or weeds, who knows?). 

Some lovely ladies having a picnic at the arboretum.  Friends from church:  Wendy, Tanya, Amanda, Hans, Abram and myself .  Don't worry, he deserved to get tickled!

Ahhhh, sunset....

A great walk along the Limmat River at night:  Fraumünster, Stadthaus and Münsterbrücke


  1. Loving the spring right along with you. Can't wait until our next picnic :) Thanks for tickling Abram.

  2. Was dad at that park planting crocus in the grass?!
